Tips for morning rituals

Tips for morning rituals

Establishing a morning ritual is the best way to kickstart your day. With the right steps, you can ensure that you make it to every run club. Here’s how to do it:

1. Get organised

Planning your morning is crucial to success 

  • Set three alarms: This guarantees you wake up on time, eliminating the risk of oversleeping.
  • Lay out your gear: Arrange your clothes, socks, and shoes in a neat pile. Do not underestimate this as it eliminates the need to search for items in the morning.
  • Sleep on time: Aim for a good night’s sleep - that means no screens or scrolling at least an hour before bed. 

2. Wake up early

Give yourself enough time to allow for an ample morning routine without feeling rushed. 

  • Wash Your Face: This helps you feel refreshed and awake.
  • Apply SPF: Protect your skin from harmful UV rays, even if it’s early.
  • Hydrate: Drink 600ml of water to rehydrate your body after hours of sleep.
  • Coffee: If you need a booster, make a warm cup of coffee or tea to get you going. 

3. Warm up

Wake up your muscles with some dynamic stretches. Here are some exercises we like to do: 

  • World's Greatest Stretch - 5 each side
  • Leg swings 
  • Hip openers 
  • Neck rotation 

4. Lace up

Get out the door and get yourself to run club. Grab a jacket if you need, we will have a basket for personal items. 

5. Put on music

Pump up the energy with some feel good music. Create a playlist of your favourite high-energy songs and turn the volume up as you get in the car and get yourself to run club.

By integrating these steps into your morning routine, you’ll find that your day starts on a high note and make every day a step closer to your best self. 

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